
The Physics PhD Workshop is an occasion for PhD students to present their work and share it with their colleagues (in a friendly environment). It should be considered as an informal scientific conference. 

In the following section, we will give you some guidelines for the presentation.

First-year students (40th cycle)

First-year students (40th cycle) must present themselves with a very short and general-purpose presentation (1/2 slides about their study career and future PhD projects). They are also free to present their master thesis work/other ongoing projects with a poster during the poster session

Second-year students (39th cycle)

Second-year students (39th cycle),  with the exception of the Q@TN transdisciplinary program students, are required to present their work with a 10-minute-long talk. The guidelines for the presentation are reported below:

Third-year students (38th cycle)

Second-year students (39th cycle) enrolled in the Q@TN transdisciplinary program and third-year students (38th cycle) are required to present their work with a poster during the poster session.